Brining Balance and Harmony into the Body

There are twelve primary channels or meridians in the body. You might have heard of the Liver channel or Stomach channel. Acupuncture points are located in each channel.
Channels are like big rivers in the body where water flows freely. and acupuncture points are like eddies. It is not surprising many acupuncture points are located where a bone is about to flare up just like eddies. Eddies bring nutrients which are normally in cold or deeper water to the surface. So do acupuncture points.
By inserting needles on acupuncture points on a certain channel, we can access the resources that each point can provide and address problems on a certain organ system.
I have extensive training in a few different acupuncture systems such as Worsley’s Classical Five Element Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Korean Four Needles, and Japanese style acupuncture that uses contact needling without puncturing the skin.
More recently, I have been studying acupuncture with Dan Bensky, DO, LAc that focuses on "deep listening" and "manual thermal evaluation" originated from French osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral. I "listen" to the body with my hand to feel where restrictions are located in the body and to find which acupuncture points help move the restrictions so that the body can achieve a smooth and free flow of Qi.
All these different styles and systems of acupuncture have taught me to be present with patients and engage with what the body presents at the moment. Despite the uniqueness of each acupuncture system and style, my job as an acupuncturist is identifying the location and characteristics of the problem- which channels are afflicted? - then address them with acupuncture needles to bring more balance and harmony.